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Monday, February 7, 2011


I have so many things in my mind..So sorry for not updating but i will never ever leave this blog and that is a promise..

I have watched Love and Other Drugs in my ipod, believe me that would be the second best movie after Tangled and here is the line that I have mustered after finishing the movie..I’ve never known anyone who actually believe that I was enough until I met you. And then you made me believe it too.Jamie Randall to Maggie Murdoch..

There were countless times Jake paraded his butt in all its shining glory.But nevertheless, this is a movie about relationship,  how to love unconditionally, showing tits, parkinsons, zoloft, prozac, viagra and what-have-you’s.

The Infinix NOTE 40 Pro+ 5G’s fast charging allows you to power up your lifestyle

  Smartphones are part of our everyday life. From the moment we wake up to when we finally sleep, we use our devices to check updates and en...