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Showing posts with label Herbalife. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Herbalife. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Herbalife Reveals Expert Tips to Jumpstart Your Fitness Journey

Engaging in regular physical activity can lead to positive changes such as better heart health, reduced stress, and mental clarity which can be seen as soon as you start an exercise routine. However, barriers such as low motivation and lack of a plan or knowledge often delay the start of our fitness journeys.  

To help address these issues, Herbalife leverages the importance of community and how it helps individuals stay motivated and driven in their fitness journeys. According to Herbalife’s 2023 Asia Pacific Power of Community Survey, 48% of respondents from Philippines find that friends and family are crucial to staying motivated in their health and fitness journeys.

Another reminder that people need to be mindful in their fitness journey is the importance of having a well-rounded approach to exercise. By focusing on balancing workouts with nutrition we can optimize our fitness results.

Herbalife research shows that structured training will help you to progress workouts more accurately, avoid unnecessary injuries, and enhance your overall training results, allowing you to meet your goals faster.  Here are  some specific workouts to consider when meeting your fitness goals:

Regular Stretching: Helps gain body confidence, improves joint stability and muscular flexibility, and alleviates muscular tension. 

Cardio: Engaging in cardiovascular activity like walking, running, cycling, and dancing is good for your heart and great for burning excess calories. Regular cardio can lower your overall resting heart rate, which benefits long-term health. 

Strength Training: Adding resistance-based training to your routine can help you lose excess body fat and gain lean muscle mass, improving your appearance and making your body more efficient at burning calories. 

Besides a healthy active lifestyle, nutrition plays a critical role in achieving our fitness goals. You will need to learn how to balance your diet to ensure that your body has all it needs to be healthy and stay active. As an easy reminder, the three key macronutrients you need to keep in mind are proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

Proteins play key role in muscle growth and recovery. Susan Bowerman, Sr. Director, Worldwide Nutrition Education and Training at Herbalife, recommends that “30% of your daily caloric intake should come from protein rich sources such as lean meats, fish, eggs, dairy products, beans, and legumes.”

Fat is also a crucial macronutrient that help our bodies store energy and process other vitamins. 

Carbohydrates are the primary energy source of the body. It fuels the brain and muscles, prevent muscle breakdown, and accelerate recovery.  Understanding how to fuel our bodies can help us work efficiently and consistently and give us an advantage when starting our fitness journey. Dr. Dana Ryan, Director of Sports Performance Nutrition and Education at Herbalife, emphasizes the importance of healthy carbs in working out.  "There is a common misconception that all carbs are bad. In fact, many types of healthy carbs should be included in everyone’s daily nutrition."

Reach out to your local Herbalife Independent Distributors or visit Herbalife Philippines to start your fitness journey today.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Optimal Nutrient-Rich Foods for Promoting Healthy Aging and Brain Health


What should you eat if you want to keep a healthy brain? We’ve all heard about different kinds of brain foods, but which ones actually provide nutrients that boost memory, attention, and mood?


Discover the key to a healthy brain during Healthy Aging Month this September. What we eat fuels not only our brain cells but also our mood. Dr. David Heber, Chairman of the Herbalife Nutrition Institute, suggests nutrient-packed foods that enhance memory, focus, and mood, contributing to a fulfilling life.

1.              Fish Oils


If there is one food you can relate to brain health it’s probably this one. The main reason is that fatty fishes –such as sardines, salmon, and trout – have high levels of omega-3. Farm-fed fish including tilapia and some salmon have both omega-3 and omega-6 and are less desirable.

Always ask for ocean-caught fish. About 60 percent of the brain is made of fat, and the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) found in fish are a type of fat that is not made efficiently by your body so you have to obtain them from food. Omega-3 fatty acids also keep your heart healthy.


2.              Black and Green Tea


Black and green teas provide hydration for any time of day, which is essential for the brain while jump-starting thermogenic (metabolic) activity and boosting the feeling of energy. Caffeine is known for its natural thermogenic (metabolism-boosting) benefits and green tea for its antioxidant properties.


These teas also support the body’s antioxidant activity, which helps protect against free radical damage. Don’t drink your tea immediately: give it time so water can extract and concentrate the tea’s components so you get the maximum benefit.


3.              Lutein


Lutein is a yellow antioxidant phytonutrient found in spinach, kale, and avocados as well as dietary supplements for eye health. Lutein is concentrated in the back of the eye in an area called the macula which is hit with the most ultraviolet light due to the focusing of light by the eye's lens.


The eye is connected to the brain via the optic nerve and Lutein is transported to the brain where it is in higher concentration than in the blood (58% of carotene-like antioxidants in the brain but only 28% of this family of phytonutrients in the bloodstream). There are now studies both in young people and in the elderly demonstrating the positive effects of Lutein on brain function.

4.        Dark Chocolate

This delicious food is rich in flavonoids, but be sure to get chocolate at least 70% cocoa. The flavonoids which are strong antioxidants that may enhance memory and also help slow down age-related mental decline are found in cocoa but not in all chocolate. For example, white chocolate has no cocoa, and many candies are only 30% cocoa. The best news? Chocolate is a guilty pleasure because it also causes the brain to release dopamine, which improves mood.


5.              Eggs


Eggs and egg yolk are rich in protein and vitamins such as B, D, and E, which may help to improve memory. Choline is also found in eggs; it is a micronutrient that your body uses to create acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood and memory. Egg yellow also has lutein which can help with brain health.


6.               Virgin Olive Oil


Extra Virgin Olive Oil is rich in a polyphenol called hydroxytyrosol, which is removed in refined forms of olive oil. This powerful antioxidant may improve learning and memory, but it also has a compound that mimics a painkiller. The compound, called oleocanthal, acts in the same way as ibuprofen to stifle components of a pain pathway called the prostaglandin system.


Going Beyond Food and Diet


Ultimately, make sure to consume high-quality foods that contain lots of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Another essential part of keeping a healthy brain is neurobic exercises, which help boost attention, memory, cognition, and mood.


The brain is the one organ you cannot transplant or replace, so take good care of it. You only have one.


Friday, May 19, 2023

Herbalife Asia Pacific Survey Reveals: 3 in 5 People Turn to Side Jobs to Make Ends Meet

Herbalife, a global health and wellness company and community, released the findings of its 2023 Asia Pacific Side Job Survey, which showed that almost 3 in 5 (59%) respondents have a side job, and the top reason for doing so is to make ends meet (61%). Other reasons for starting a side job included dealing with the rising cost of living (44%) and being less reliant on a single source of income (43%). 

The survey was commissioned by Herbalife and conducted via One Poll in Australia,  Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, and Vietnam among 5,500  respondents. 

More than half (56%) said their current financial situation makes it difficult to pay for  necessities like food, utilities, and medicine. Seven in 10 (72%) admitted that they were  equally, if not more worried, about money now than a year ago. In addition, 56% said that they have no idea what their financial future looks like, and for some, this is having a  negative effect on their mental health.  

When asked about their side jobs, selling products on e-commerce websites; content creation; and writing, editing, or proofreading were the most common — while direct sales,  otherwise known as network marketing, came in as the fourth most common side hustle.  APAC respondents with a source of additional income said, on average, they’d need to earn between US$300-$700 per month to live comfortably. 

“The increased cost of food, housing, and natural resources have affected communities  globally, causing people to search for supplemental income streams. The direct selling  opportunity has existed for more than a century - it provides a way to ease people’s financial  situation and, more importantly, a support system to achieve one’s goals,” said Stephen  Conchie, Herbalife’s regional president of Asia Pacific and China. 

“Whilst having a side job can provide more financial flexibility, a sense of security, and the  means to make ends meet, it’s important for individuals to choose a side job that’s right for  them,” said Conchie. “Direct selling offers time flexibility and low start-up costs. It’s also an  opportunity to market a product or service you’re passionate about, which helps ensure you’ll  dedicate the necessary time and effort.” 

The survey also revealed the differences in how Millennials and Gen Zs viewed side jobs compared to other age groups: 

• Millennials were the most likely to have a side job (63%), followed by Gen Zs (59%),  Gen X (50%), and Baby Boomers (45%) 

• Top reasons to start a side job for Millennials were to deal with rising costs of living  (47%), to be less reliant on a single source of income (46%), and to have a financial  safety net (43%) 

• Top reasons to start a side job for Gen Zs were to have a disposable income (43%),  to be less reliant on a single source of income (41%), and to deal with rising costs of  living (40%)

On average, those with a side job commit an average of about eight hours per week to that  side hustle. However, that time can vary: 29% dedicate 3–5 hours a week to their side job,  while 22% devote 6–10 hours per week. 

What are the respondents’ motivations for starting a side job?  

● To deal with the rising cost of living and inflation — 44% 

● To be less reliant on a single source of income — 43% 

● To have a financial safety net — 39% 

● To have a disposable income — 37% 

● To help support family members — 34% 

● To help pay off debt — 27% 

● To pursue a passion or hobby — 27% 

● To retire early or achieve financial freedom — 23% 

Thursday, July 7, 2022

The Importance of Staying Hydrated

Did you just finish a run, workout session, or yoga class? Make sure to drink plenty of fluids! After a hard workout, fluid losses need to be replaced, which is why it’s important to rehydrate. This is especially true during summer months since heat and humidity can accelerate fluid losses and make it harder to stay well-hydrated.


The Importance of Staying Hydrated


Water is vital for the proper function of every cell, tissue, and organ in the body. Here are reasons why hydration is so essential:

      Water is needed for proper digestion and delivery of nutrients to your cells.

      It helps regulate body temperature.

      Water also acts as a “shock absorber” for the brain and spinal cord, and it lubricates joints, organs, and tissues.

      Water helps maintain healthy mucous membranes and is a key component of lymphatic fluid, thus supporting the health of your immune system.

      Adequate water intake may even help manage your weight.

Dehydration Signs and Symptoms


When you’re not properly hydrated, your body sounds an alarm that shows itself first as thirst and dry mouth. Signs that you may not be taking in enough fluids might include:

      Dark urine


      Bad breath

      Muscle fatigue



By the time thirst mechanisms kick in, you’re already fairly dehydrated, so it’s important to stay on top of your fluid intake. It’s also critical to make sure infants and children get enough fluids as well – a recent meta-analysis indicated that children globally are not consuming enough water to be well-hydrated.


Dehydration can result from not drinking enough fluids during the day, but other factors can contribute. If you’ve had diarrhea, nausea, oa fever, you need extra fluids.


When you’re exercising, it’s important to keep your fluid intake up not only during activity but also to make sure that you adequately replace fluid losses once you’ve finished. Some athletes make a habit of weighing themselves before and after activity to see how much fluid needs replacing. For every pound of weight that’s lost, you need to drink about 2-3 cups of liquid to replace fluid losses.


When You May Need More Than Water


If you are working out intensely, or for longer than 30 minutes or so, or working out in a hot or humid environment, you may need to supply your body with more than just plain water – both during and after exercise.


When you sweat, you not only lose water but important minerals – like sodium, chloride, and potassium – that need to be replaced. These body salts or electrolytes participate in many body processes but are especially important for the proper function of your nerves, muscles, heart, and brain.


Electrolytes can be replaced with specially designed sports drinks that provide not only fluid but the right balance of electrolytes that have been lost through perspiration. Some even provide some carbohydrates, which can be a source of energy during exercise. Another plus to sports drinks is that they usually have a mild and slightly sweet taste that can encourage you to drink more.


Creative Ways to Up Your Fluid Intake


We all know we should drink water, but we don’t always set ourselves up for success. Here are some ideas to encourage daily hydration:


      Start your day with a big glass of water before your coffee or tea – you’ll create a good habit that can last a lifetime.

      Review the situation at work. If you tend to spend a lot of time at your desk, set a pitcher of water on your desk each morning. It will serve as a reminder to drink more, and you’ll be motivated to sip on it as the day goes by – and meet your goal of finishing it.

      If you’re on your feet or in the field, make sure you have convenient access to water (or bring a water bottle with you).

      Set a timer or use an app for your smartphone or smartwatch that can help remind you to drink more water as you go about your day.

      Make it interesting: add in citrus, herbs, fruit, or a splash of juice to amp up the taste; go for a bubbly, unsweetened option; have some tea with lemonkeep a pitcher in the fridge for a nice icy blast on a warm day.

      Include more watery fruits in your diet – all fruits and veggies are good, but especially melons, leafy greens, and cucumbers.

      Consider having soups before meals; they can help hydrate you and make your meal more filling.


How Much Water Should You Drink Per Day?


      Your age, size, gender, and physical activity level will help determine your water needs, as does the climate. As a general rule, according to the Institutes of Medicinethe recommended daily fluid intake is about 11 cups for adult women and 15 cups for men. That sounds like a lot, but not all of it needs to come from beverages alone.

      About 70-80 percent should be provided by beverages – and at least half of that from water, with lesser contributions from teacoffeemilk, and other beverages. The remaining 20-30 percent should come from watery foods such as fruits and vegetables.

      Many people wonder if drinking caffeinated beverages such as coffee and tea counts toward hydration goals or against them. The good news: moderate amounts of caffeine will not deplete the water in your body.

      But do watch the calories in those fancy coffee drinks – large amounts of cream and sugar add-ins can rack up calories quickly.


Spread the Love and Save Big: realme’s Valentine’s Day Deals with Exclusive Freebies on TikTok & Shopee!

Valentine’s Day is about celebrating love in all its forms - love for a partner, family, friends, and most especially, self-love. It’s the p...