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Monday, January 16, 2017

Avail of COSMOSkin Glutathione at 50% discount at Watsons Big White Blowout and have a chance to win a brand -new iPhone 7!

Since my teenage years ,I’ve always been proud of my morena skin but it doesn’t mean I don’t want to get a bit fairer and have better skin!

It was in 2009 when I started taking Cosmo skin glutathione that was I think the time when glutathione pills became wildly popular and gluta drip or cocktails were still unheard of.

CosmoSkin was recommended by a friend for its whitening side effect but what got me hooked was its promise of being able to even my skin tone. After all, what good is getting whiter if you have uneven skin tone right?

I was in my early 40’s when I started taking it and I was really satisfied with the results. Unfortunately I had to stop taking Como Skin when I left for UAE in 2013. While in UAE I felt a bit weak and sickly, I thought it was because of the weather or because my body was still adjusting to the different work load.

CosmoSkin founder and Marketing Deirector Dr. Nino Bautista and CosmoSkin Ambassador Ms. Ruffa Gutierrez

When I came back a year later, however, I still felt the same, but thought it was just due to age. Last year was worse as I had to be treated for a number of ailments (UTI, stye etc..)and although thankfully I wasn’t confined to the hospital, it was still strange for me to get sick numerous times in a year.

I’ve become even more conscious of my diet, avoiding any fatty or oily food, and taking lots of vitamins and supplements but somehow I still felt something was missing.

A few months ago while shopping I saw CosmoSkin again and they were having this Buy 2 take 1 promo at Watsons SM Makati. So I bought two and began taking it again, and that’s when I realized that my body was actually missing Cosmo skin!

You may think it’s a bit far-fetched but somehow I felt like my old self when I began taking CosmoSkin again regularly, I felt stronger and less sickly and I also noticed a change in my skin.

After 3 months of taking it.  I never felt any discomfort in urinating. I stopped taking antibiotics for my UTI I also lost 4 pounds and felt better! I don’t know if its my body clock or the glutathione withdrawal. But the moment, I took Cosmoskin again, I felt better.

Yes CosmoSkin is not cheap, but having to go to the hospital and having to buy medicine is certainly a lot more costly.

Now the good news is Cosmoskin is a part of the Watsons Big White Blowout, and for those who are into Glutathione and whitening, its about time you drop by any Watsons branch and try Cosmoskin. Cosmoskin is having a 50% sale. You can buy one Cosmo Skin with free grapeseed at only php1035.00. 

So if you havent tried it this is the best time to get a bottle and try it out for yourself.

Watsons Big White Blowout also includes hundreds of other whitening products available ranging from whitening soaps, facial creams, body lotions, and deodorants to ingestibles and other skin care brands.

Also if you have an SM Advantage or BDO Rewards card you can have the chance to win a brand-new iPhone 7 as every PHP 500 purchase on whitening products earns you an e-raffle entry. So headover to the nearest Watsons store or The SM Store Beauty Section and be part of the biggest blowout to start the year!

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