theAsianparent and Team BakuNanay, with the support of Sanofi and other
community partners, continue the movement to fight vaccine misinformation in the country
with its nationwide campaign entitled, Building a BakuNation.
The campaign’s aim is to create a scaled-up version of its predecessor, the Team
BakuNanay vaccine confidence campaign. BakuNanay stands for BAKUNA NANAY,
representing a group of active moms from theAsianparent community who believe that
vaccines are indeed effective and can help to protect their family from diseases.
Team BakuNanay was a result of a 2020 poll conducted by theAsianparent on their app,
which found that 45% of Pinoy moms refused to have their children vaccinated by their
pediatricians due to their fear of possible vaccine side effects. Within a year after launching,
the Team BakuNanay community grew from 85 members to more than 9,000; positive
sentiment increased by 15%; and 70% of Filipino mothers have agreed to have their children
vaccinated according to a follow-up poll by theAsianparent. The campaign also launched a
series of webinars that had a collective reach of 845,250 and over 110 thousand
engagements. This successful run also led to the campaign bagging the Silver Award for
Excellence in Customer Engagement and the finalist spot in the KOL/Influencer Marketing
category at the 2021 Marketing Excellence Awards.
This time, through the Building a BakuNation campaign, the goal is to leverage the success
of Team BakuNanay and continue its strong desire to keep children and communities safe
by fighting vaccine misinformation in the country. In Building a BakuNation, parents can
learn more about diseases and their impact, share their experiences on vaccine use for their
kids, ask questions, and give and receive advice from others. During the online media
launch hosted by Community Manager of Team BakuNanay and Davao-based
BakuNanay herself, Ara Casas-Tumuran, parents, media friends, noted guests, and
viewers from all over the country were introduced to the Building a BakuNation campaign
with lots of engaging videos, trivia, Q&A, and exciting contests.
Carla Perlas - VP for Communications at theAsianparent |
“Health is a love language,” according to Carla Perlas - VP for Communications at
theAsianparent, as she takes pride in how the campaign continues to go onward and
upward and supports theAsianparent's mission to help parents have healthy pregnancies
and raise healthy families.
BakuNanay Babzee Ferrer |
As a mom who gave birth during the COVID-19 pandemic, mommy influencer and
shares her reflections on how Team BakuNanay and the whole
community has helped her gain the right information on vaccines by participating and joining
webinars that theAsianparent and Team BakuNanay have conducted in partnership with
different credible organizations such as the Department of Health and Healthy Pilipinas
throughout the year.
Candice Venturanza, Head of Content of theAsianparent also extends her appreciation
to the Team BakuNanay community as they strive to help drive the movement for
spreading the right and factual information on vaccines, and stressed to viewers that parents
should provide vaccines just like how food is important to their kids.
With an inspiring video pledge featuring moms from across the nation and speaking their
local dialects, to various support from private and public organizations such as Sanofi, DOH
and various parenting communities, Building a BakuNation’s aim is to acquire 750,000
pledges by the end of 2022. This highly inclusive community is not just for moms but all
members of the family, where everyone is encouraged to be mindful of their vaccinations
and taking the opportunity to avail these for free at their local health centers, and continue to
encourage member sign-ups from all over the country to join the advocacy to fight both
misinformation and disinformation / increase vaccine confidence.
This exciting campaign is not only exclusive online, but will also feature various
collaborations with theAsianparent Philippines’ supporters from mommy and parent
communities, including:
● Millennial Moms PH
● Lifestyle Moms PH
● Love Moms PH
● MEMSHIES Mombassadors of Good Vibes
● Bunch of Moms & Munchkins
● Mars Club PH
● Momma’s Universe Club PH
● MINT (Mama, Ilaw ng Tahanan)
● Mommies of Panabo
● The Mothers Club
● Inspiring Mommas
● Thriving Moms
Check out the Building a BakuNation Content Hub which can be found in theAsianparent
PH website and find everything related to vaccines and immunization. Join us and take the
Pledge to fight vaccine misinformation by visiting