Every New Year's Eve I make it a point to be with my kids, although now that they each have their own families, and one is even in the US, its becoming a bit more difficult to spend equal time with them and my grandchildren. It’s hard celebrating the holidays knowing that I can’t be with all of them like when they were young.
So I would adjust my schedule and for the most part spend the holidays rushing to their place only to find out that they aren’t there and I have to go home alone. It even came to a point that if I can’t be with any of them, I would just celebrate the holidays with my parents and any of my grandkids. Last year, I spent it with my eldest grandchild Finn and we welcomed 2018 with some fireworks and a great food spread prepared by my Nanay.
Its funny how things have come full circle, instead of being the one to spend my holidays with my kids I’m the one who gets to spend it with my parents.
I guess time really changes a lot of things, and there’s nothing we can’t do anything about it. The only thing we can do is reminisce the memories and share some of the traditions we grew up with. During Noche Buena and Media Noche for instance, a holiday feast will never be complete without our favorite Pinoy dishes.
Buco Salad with Danes Cheeseball cubes |
Since I was spending it with my parents this year, it was me who felt like a kid again as my Nanay was the one who prepared our family favorites—mechado, buko salad, adobo, with some malagkit like kutsinta and cassava cake and of course a big red Danes Cheeseball. It made her buko salad taste even better cutting it into cubes and mixing it with all the other ingredients. I also sliced some and made a simple cheese platter with grapes and crackers.
Every year, families all over the world gather to spend the holidays together because there’s nothing like the warmth of home.
While no holiday celebration would be complete without family reunions, this is the best time to introduce new and fun traditions to make this holiday season even more memorable than last year’s.
This kid ate a lot of Danes Cheeseball with crackers, her favorite =)
Danes Cheese Ball is available in all major supermarkets nationwide. You can even purchase it through your smartphone using the HonestBee app and have it delivered to your doorstep with just a few clicks! Now you can enjoy more cheesy goodness without dealing with the holiday traffic, long lines at the grocery, or the hassle of finding a parking spot.
This year, make Noche Buena even more delicious and festive – make fun and new traditions with Danes Cheese Ball. Happy HoliDANES!