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Friday, October 23, 2015

Developing a discerning taste for coffee

Back in the day, coffee was exclusive to the parents,  they didnt want us to drink/sip coffee, for some reason we dont know and never bothered to ask.  But if the parents discover that coffee has antioxidants then, they would have changed their mind.

Beer was my second drink that I grew up with (aside from tap water), I never drink sodas and juices because I find them sweet.  I occasionally drink Earl Grey's because lemon green tea or any green tea for that matter was not available during my younger days.   Believe it or not, I got a formal sip of coffee when I hit my 30s.  This was when I joined a dance competition for our department. Beer was out of sight, so I got myself a cup of coffee from a friend's kitchen. I remember it was a Folgers, I mixed it with brown sugar and drank from my first cup. It was I should say memorable. I tasted coffee not as bitter but with a hint of tea and relaxing at that.

Conlins Coffee Company COO, Q Grader Eric Lim talked us to how to appreciate coffee, its quality and origin using his product Bluenotes and Artisans and explained "premium coffee" from cherry beans first crack, medium roast to dark roast,  last October 20 at Alessi, BHS.

Conlins Coffee Company is the first of its kind to introduce the concept of “premium coffee” in the Philippines, and to make customers understand that not all coffees are the same. "Before, the concept of coffee was very basic—you had instant coffee, you had brewed coffee,” said licensed coffee Q grader and Conlins COO, Eric Lim.  People drank coffee and went to coffee shops, but they lacked a deeper appreciation and understanding of the beverage.

Conlins is also the first coffee company in the country to be ISO-certified. Aside from having the largest variety of coffee, they make sure that the quality of the coffee is always consistent.

Conlins Coffee Company is a full-service coffee company that offers roasted coffee beans, ground coffee, and customized blends with use of beans sourced from all over the world. Aside from their coffee line, the company is also the exclusive retailer of world class coffee equipment in the country.

Aside from helping people appreciate and find a deeper understanding of coffee, Conlins Coffee Company has also always been about giving people options. “I want to make sure that if you want light, medium, dark coffee, or whatever origin you want, it’s available here,” said Eric. Their company offers over 20 varieties of origins available from around the world, and of course, also offers the blended coffees. “You’ll surely find at least one that you like here,” said Eric. “Each coffee also speaks to each individual; he added that it’s in finding the coffee that is right for you. it’s about finding your voice, in a world of coffee,” he said.

Conlins products, Bluenotes and Artisans coffees, can be used as tools to help in creating a deeper understanding of coffee. Bluenotes coffee offers 100% single-origin Arabica beans. "Each origin of coffee has something unique to offer; coffee from Sumatra gives a very different cup profile from coffees originating from Brazil or Ethiopia. The origin of your coffee is only one of the many aspects that affect the coffee’s flavor profile.” explains Eric.

Many factors are taken into account of when looking for “your” coffee. Aside from the origin of the bean, roast color, grind size and preparation methods also add to the journey of discovering the coffee that best suits your taste and lifestyle.

Artisans coffee on the other hand, is about the art and science of how coffee is crafted. This line of coffee allows the master roaster to create and meld flavors of varying origins into a very satisfying cup. While Bluenotes focuses on strictly single-origin, Artisans coffee is all about taking different coffee elements and creating a masterful coffee experience.

These two coffee variants of Conlins has something to offer for different types of coffee lovers. Go—getters and jet- setters will go for Bluenotes and its “taste of the world," as it offers an excellent, straight forward taste of coffee. its incredible flavor and aroma from its single origins will surely wake up and satisfy the taste buds of today modern global citizen.

Artisans Coffee on the other hand, may be preferred by coffee aficionados who are immersed in the worlds of lifestyle and the arts. The harmony of flavors that are created by the crafting and blending of beans offers unique flavors that will surely impress the most discerning palates.

Serenity Syrups: Inspiring freedom and creativity

Serenity Syrups, on the other hand, is about having the freedom to have what you want. “The syrup is there to enhance the coffee experience,” explained Eric. “It’s to add flavors to things you don’t normally have, like an almond latte. The nice thing about Serenity is that it’s not limited to coffee. You can be as creative as you want.” One can make creme caramels, flavored sparkling sodas, and flavored margaritas from these syrups. Serenity syrups can even be used for creating baked goods, among others. Eric also said that using Serenity is finding your own flair to classic favorites.

Three complementary products

These three products all work together. and are complementary. Bluenotes is pure. and has a Single origin; Artisan is blended, and possesses a craft science; Serenity on the other hand, is about adding flair. These products are all part of the journey of finding a coffee they can call their own, according to Eric.

Eric also said that Conlins wants customers to experience coffee. He added that their company also keeps up with the trends around the world. “We want our customers to understand what they drink, before they really appreciate it,” Eric explained. They do this, he said, but they don’t impose. Their company wants customers to appreciate specialty coffee. “I think a big part of it is in educating people,” he said.

Bluenotes Coffee, Artisans Coffee and Sweet Serenity are distributed by the Conlins Coffee Company. For more information, visit www.conlinscoffee. com or call 551-3215 and 831-2729. You can also visit their retail outlets in Conlins Elements in Greenbelt 5, Alessi in Bonifacio Global City and The Coffee Laboratory in Ayala Center Cebu.

1 comment:

  1. All coffees are not healthy if it contains best test. The first and main reason of healthiest coffee is pure coffee bean. we need collect pure coffee shed and grind it then it can give us the real health of coffee. For this we don't need to buy couple device for grinding and brewing. The Cuisinart automatic coffee coffee machine can grind your coffee shed in better way and brew it with original taste


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