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Monday, April 11, 2016

Alex Medina is so good even when he’s bad

Alex Medina is one of those actors who exudes a roguish charm that reminds me a lot like my showbiz crush Robin Padilla. although he has been a staple in the Indie scene for the past few years, I must admit that the first movie I saw him in was Heneral Luna. But despite his limited screen time in the movie, his scenes were among the ones that I remember most.

In Echorsis, however, Alex Medina gets most of the screen time as Karlo, the sweet talking gigolo who victimizes gay men into falling in love with him and filling his wallet.

Chris Cahilig and Alex Medina

Much like his father, respected character actor Pen Medina, Alex showcases his acting chops in every scene, I even noticed some of  those in the cinema beside me swooning just like his victims on screen.

And as he makes the 180 degree switch from gigolo to someone who is possessed by a vengeful gay spirit, Alex ably conveys to the viewers his internal struggle despite delivering some of the funniest lines in the movie.

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