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Monday, July 3, 2017

Robinsons 10th Fit & Fun Wellness Buddy Run: Why its beneficial to run with a buddy

I started going to the gym 2 months ago. Until I felt a throbbing right leg pain that lasted for 2 weeks. I got myself checked up.  My PT doctor recommended and signed me up to a Rehab Medicine. My therapist recommended an exercise focused mainly on leg strengthening. I underwent ultrasound for the right leg and completed my 4 sessions and took glucosamine for my bones. The pain was gone after the treatment and asked my therapist if its okay to go back to the gym and or run.  She said that I should as soon as possible.

It was just in time that an invite for Robinsons 10th Fit & Fun Wellness Buddy Run came up. I have been running for Robinsons since 2015. The first time I ran for 5K I remember I was alone but instantly got a blogger buddy at the venue. It was fun, because  I endured the whole 5K , walking, running and jogging with a whole lot of chika along its pace and turns with my blogger friend Ruth. There was never a dull moment, before we knew it, we were at the finish line.

The good thing about running for 5K is that it takes a less of a toll on your body. With short races, the less mileage you run, the lower your risk to have injuries. That's why I always signed up for 5K.  Its a safe and fun way to build stamina.

I promised myself since then that I will join Robinsons fun run every year with or without a partner.  Last year though, I was surprised that my partner joined the run. He woke up early, dressed up and eagerly joined me.  We were a running pair since then. Errr, a running/jogging/walking pair, to you.

Last Sunday, July 2 Robinsons Supermarket held its 10th Fit & Fun Wellness Buddy Run at Camp Aguinaldo. I ran again with my buddy Ed of We left the house at 5am and arrived in Camp Aguinaldo at 6:15 am. The traffic was building up around Cubao but we were lucky to have parked inside the Camp and was able to ran even if we were 10 minutes late.

We finished the race for 35 minutes and he told me that he would be joining annually. That was good news for me.

In line with Robinsons Supermarket’s wellness campaign to continuously encourage more people to choose and live healthier lifestyles, the Fit & Fun Wellness Buddy Run gave everyone an opportunity to partner with friends and family, and run together towards the finish line.

“Through the years, the Fit & Fun Buddy Run has been a much-anticipated event for a lot of people. It’s our kick-off as we celebrate with the nation, Wellness and Nutrition month. It provides a fun gateway activity for fitness newbies who are just about to start their wellness journey and loyal runners,” said general manager of Robinsons Supermarket, Mr. Jody Gadia.

Hosted by volleyball superstar and TV personality, Gretchen Ho, the event also featured exciting booths with lots of freebies from Nestle Philippines, Johnson & Johnson, Fonterra, Unilab and Wyeth Nutrition, Unilever, International Pharmaceuticals Incorporated (IPI), Procter & Gamble, Abbott Nutrition, Getz Bros, Ecossential, Del Monte, Foodsphere Inc., and Philusa.

Coaches Jim and Toni Saret prepped-up the runners with a short work-out and invited them to register on-site for the Fit Filipino 1 Million Pounds National Weight Loss Challenge, the biggest on-ground and online wellness program in the country which aims to encourage everyone to pledge and lose weight.

The Fun Run is just one of the programs this July. Robinsons Supermarket is also giving away Healthy You snack platters for a minimum purchase of Php3,000 inclusive of Php 500 worth of participating items of the Wellness Festival.

Robinsons Supermarket‘s commitment to wellness campaign extends to providing Filipinos with delicious and healthy food options and alternatives.

Check out their Facebook page or website to see what's good for you.

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