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Tuesday, August 9, 2022

HONOR returns to the Philippines!

HONOR, a leading global provider of smart devices announced today that it will return to the Philippine market. Together with its local partner, Iridium Philippines Inc., HONOR will launch in the country as a technology brand that caters to the different needs of Filipino technology consumers.

In a contract-signing event, Daniel Wang, Director of Channel Management Department of Honor Device Com., Ltd. and Ricky Sy, President of HONOR Philippines/Iridium Technologies Inc., signed the deal marking the re-entrance of the technology brand in the country. The deal will make HONOR products available in the country through its local distributor, Iridium Technologies.

Becoming a global iconic technology brand

As a global iconic technology brand, HONORs main goal is to come up with innovaMve products to consumers. In the past year, HONOR has invested on its research and development to provide advanced and high-quality technology products to consumers.

Moreover, HONOR conMnues to develop strategic partnerships with different supply chain manufacturers around the globe such as Intel, AMD, MediaTek, MicrosoO, and Qualcomm. With the said partnerships, the brand will provide consumers with products of high quality and advanced technology beyond smartphones.

InnovaCve Products for a Wider Range of Consumers

Currently, the brand is available in more than 100 markets across the globe. HONOR is commiSed to serving the Philippines, one of its key market in Asia. As it expands across the country, the brand conMnues to update its porUolio to provide for different markets both high- end users and general users in different price ranges from budget devices to premium flagship devices. More importantly, HONOR devices will sport Google Mobile Services.

More than just smartphones

HONOR is commiSed to becoming a global iconic tech life that brings smart life” across all places and people. Smart life” aims to create a more connected community. This approach is

focused on smartphones as the center of communicaMon. However, this is not limited to phones alone as the brand is determined to bringing more devices into its porUolio such as PC, wearables, and beyond.

Moreover, with the introducMon of 5G network technology, informaMon transfer has been greatly improved. With the development of the upcoming 6G technology, AI processing has opened opportuniMes for a new era of connecMvity. Powerful interconnecMvity capabiliMes allow HONOR's smartphones, laptops, tablets, watches, earphones, smart screens, and other smart devices to seamlessly connect together to support the conMnuous flow of more services down the line.

!As HONOR returns to the Philippines, we are confident that the brand will be well received by Filipino consumers. The brand"s re-entrance would also mean that HONOR products will soon

become more accessible to Filipinos.” said Ricky Sy, President of HONOR Philippines !Philippines is key market in Asia that we are commiSed to serving. We are posiMve to conMnue to gain consumer"s trust and popularity by providing the best products.” added Sy.

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