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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

What's in your chicken? #KnowTheWholeStory

For most of us, little to no thought goes into how our food got onto our plates.

Let’s start with your typical chicken: we go to the grocery, buy the plumpest frozen poultry we can find, then take it back to the kitchen to be fried, stewed, or roasted for tonight’s dinner. Simple enough, right?

Food is a source of nutrition, and therefore ingredients should be wholesome and nourishing. Knowing the whole story of where your food comes from may make you want to reconsider your choices.

Hidden dangers

Conventional food production techniques are designed to boost yield so farms can deliver more meat and more crops. ‘Quantity’, however, isn’t necessarily synonymous to ‘quality’.

In the case of crops, a number of synthetic pesticides are applied to fields to eliminate insects, fungi, and rodents so that farms can stock supermarkets with smooth, almost flawless-looking fruits and vegetables.

Sadly, these toxic substances are absorbed by the plants, which in turn introduce harmful chemicals to the food that goes into our bodies. That doesn’t take into account how pesticides poison harmless organisms living on farmlands, while also spreading to nearby bodies of water, grazing fields, and human settlements through wind and runoff.

Many farms today also think little of their methods when it comes to raising chickens for their eggs and meat. Apart from being confined in tiny, cramped cages throughout their lives, these animals are fed with a diet they don’t normally eat like soy, and are given antibiotics to keep them alive amidst unsanitary and inhumane living conditions.

Additionally, egg-laying hens are constantly exposed to artificial lighting and are injected with hormones so they produce as many eggs as they can instead of letting them do so within the means of their natural cycle.

This treatment is not only cruel and against animal welfare standards. Because of all the drugs pumped into the chickens, their meat and eggs are saturated with harmful substances that endanger consumers. Their waste also becomes contaminated with hazardous toxins that threaten human health and the environment when disposed.

Sustainable and healthy

Food is critical not only to our health but also the welfare of our planet. If we truly want us to live full, healthy lives, it’s vital that we change the narrative of what we eat.

As consumers, we can do this by supporting companies that practice sustainable and humane farming. Healthy Options, for instance, ensures food quality by sourcing ingredients from farms that only use natural growing methods.

Healthy Options also ensures that all their chickens are able to roam freely in clean, spacious, and weather-protected grounds so they can forage for bugs and worms—organisms that chickens are designed to eat—on top of organic and natural grain feed.

Unlike factory-farmed chickens, these birds also get to enjoy the light of day while living life as intended by nature. With living conditions maximized for good health and proper egg production, they don’t have to be artificially stimulated or given drugs.

The result is healthy and happy chickens that people can eat without worry.

Know the Whole Story

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