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Saturday, July 29, 2023

Manny Pacquiao and Hidilyn Diaz Share Secrets to Cultivating a Winning Mindset

Being a champion is not merely defined by winning competitions; it is an embodiment of resilience, unwavering determination, and hard work. Manny Pacquiao and Hidilyn Diaz stand as the epitomes of true champions in the Philippines, showcasing the indomitable Filipino spirit despite many challenges in their lives and careers.

Diaz and Pacquiao together with Ibuprofen Paracetamol (Alaxan FR), a pain medicine trusted by Filipinos for decades, is encouraging countless individuals to continue being a champion without compromising overall well-being. Here are tips from the actual experience of these historic sports icons on how to attain a winning mindset:

Being a champion takes discipline

Attaining any goal requires relentless focus, entailing a mindset that stays committed even when faced with hurdles. At the young age of 11, Diaz already displayed potential to become a strong weightlifter. Despite encountering setbacks and failures throughout her weightlifting journey, she remained undeterred. Through years of training and more than a decade of competing, a once-dreamer is now one of the giants of Philippine sports, bagging the Philippines' first-ever Olympic gold medal at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. 

"Okay mangarap, but you really have to work hard at kailangan may disiplina. Minsan natatalo ka, minsan nananalo ka." Diaz expressed the reality that being a champion takes time and does not come in an instant. "As long as hindi ka nag-gi-give up, kayang kaya mo ‘yan, laban lang," she added.

[It’s okay to dream, but you really have to work hard and be disciplined. Sometimes you lose, sometimes you win. As long as you don’t give up, you can definitely do it. Just keep fighting.]

No pain, no gain

As cliché as it may sound, no pain without gain is truly a part of every journey toward greatness. But the game changer is knowing how to bounce back from pain quickly.  In Pacquiao’s case as a boxer, pain is a constant from training to the actual fight and even after every game. The force and power of punches to different parts of the body can hurt, which is why Pacquiao emphasizes the importance of having a trusted companion to get through the pain. 

"Minsan hindi ako makalakad, hindi ako makatayo. Pati daliri ko masakit pero ‘yun yung sinisigurado ko mula noon hanggang ngayon, kasama ko ang Alaxan sa tagumpay—during, after training, and every fight," Pacquiao testified. "Pagkatapos ng fight, masakit katawan ko, pag-inom ko ng Alaxan, pag-tulog at pag-gising ko sa umaga, wala na.”

[There are times when I can’t walk, I can’t stand up. Even my fingers hurt but one thing I’ve always made sure of from then until now is that Alaxan is with me—during, after training, and every fight. After the fight, my body aches, but when I take Alaxan, by the time I sleep and wake up in the morning, the pain is gone.]

Take care of your health

Apart from strengthening and conditioning, overall well-being is important to function properly and become prepared for any competition. With this, Diaz and Pacquiao highlight the importance of being disciplined and cautious in terms of lifestyle habits, including diet regimens and taking medications as necessary.  

“Pagdating sa diet, more on fish, chicken at gulay. Mula nung bata ako maingat ako masyado sa mga pagkain,” Pacquiao shared. “Pag lumalaban ako lagi ako may dalang Alaxan, more than 20 years ko ginagamit at wala namang adverse effects sa akin.” 

[When it comes to diet, I prefer fish, chicken, and vegetables. Ever since I was a child, I have been very careful with the food I eat. I always bring Alaxan with me whenever I fight. I’ve been using it for more than 20 years, and I haven’t experienced any adverse effects.]

Alaxan is a synergistic combination of Ibuprofen+Paracetamol that was found to have the highest success rate among OTC pain medicines tested, according to a 2015 scientific review by Cochrane, a world-renowned independent research institution.  Scientific reviews also show that Ibuprofen+Paracetamol is not likely to cause serious harmful effects on our body when used at the recommended dose.

Have a support group

According to Diaz, it takes a team to win and succeed. Athletes such as herself and Pacquiao benefit from the professional support provided by their group of coaches and nutritionists. Similarly for ordinary workers, a support system comprising a superior and colleagues is crucial, especially in the early stages of their career. Surrounding oneself with reliable individuals is instrumental not only in acquiring essential skills but also in fostering the right mindset and attitude required to excel in one's life.

Stay humble

Being a world champion comes with fame, recognition, and wealth. Achieving extraordinary accomplishments may give a sense of fulfillment and cloud judgment, but this is never the case for Pacquiao. He reiterates how humility is a virtue that allows him to remain grounded and always remember to look back at where he came from. He shared that helping and giving back to the community is how you really leave a mark in this world.

For more information about Ibuprofen+Paracetamol (ALAXAN), visit their Facebook Page at @AlaxanFastRelief or visit their website: more about Alaxan. If symptoms persist, consult your doctor. 


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