It has been said time and time again: what all mothers want is for their children to grow up healthy, strong and smart.
To achieve these, moms have long believed that apart from their kids’ physical well-being, IQ is the one facet that needs to be harnessed as it is akin to mental strength. That’s why moms prioritized fostering their children’s IQ, mainly intent on nurturing logic, memory and language. However, in recent years, it has been discovered that mental resilience relies on the development of not only IQ but also EQ.
EQ or emotional intelligence is the ability to understand, use, and manage one’s own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict. Recent studies point out the importance of EQ as part of a child’s holistic growth and in the development of mental health among children. Unfortunately, nurturing EQ abilities such as confidence, sociability, attentiveness etc. has been the missing part of the development of Filipino children for years.
Good news for moms as there is now a reliable way to nurture the EQ growth of kids above 3 years old. Moms can now help complete the #MissingHalf of their kids’ development with Enfagrow A+ Four Nurapro along with proper nutrition and stimulation. Enfagrow A+ Four Nurapro is the only one with the game changing combination of MFGM Pro and superior DHA levels*, plus a prebiotic blend of HMO and FOS.
MGFM or Milk Fat Globule Membrane, which contains proteins and lipids such as phospholipids and sphingomyelin, plays an important role in supporting your child’s cognitive development and may help enhance a child’s EQ. DHA, on the other hand, helps support brain development.
Today’s millennial moms must understand that while building up IQ helps kids communicate, comprehend, memorize and reason more, EQ development will help their kids become more confident, optimistic, calm, sociable, alert, attentive, and good tempered. When moms help foster both the EQ and IQ of their children in addition to giving them proper nutrition, stimulation, and Enfagrow A+ Four Nurapro, their children are set to have fulfilling childhoods, achieve holistic development, and attain growth that may increase their chance for future success.
So moms, help raise your kids’ IQ and EQ advantage. Nurture them with love and care– and help complete the #MissingHalf now through proper nutrition, stimulation and Enfagrow A+ Four Nurapro.
Try Enfagrow A+ Four Nurapro now on Lazada. Enjoy our biggest summer sale, the Reckitt Grand Summer Fiesta on Lazada this April 22! Up to Php3,605 off, up to 4 free gifts and a FREE Dyson Tower Purifier for the highest spender plus vouchers and free shipping await!
Per DOH-FDA-CFRR Permit No. 0201 s. 2022 and 2055 s. 2021
*Enfagrow A+ Four Nurapro 35mg vs. other premium milk brands
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6. Li F, Wu SS, Berseth CL, Harris CL, Richards JD, Wampler JL, Zhuang W, Cleghorn G, Rudolph CD, Liu B, Shaddy DJ, Colombo J. Improved Neurodevelopmental Outcomes Associated with Bovine Milk Fat Globule Membrane and Lactoferrin in Infant Formula: A Randomized, Controlled Trial. J Pediatr. 2019 Dec;215:24-31
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