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Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Be Mineralized with VRT Brilliant Mineral Oil!

More than 2 billion people in the world or one-third of the world’s population today may be affected by Micronutrient Deficiency (MND) or malnutrition. Micronutrient malnutrition is a term used to refer to diseases caused by a dietary deficiency of vitamins or minerals.


The most severe problems of Micronutrient malnutrition are found in developing countries, where people are also likely to suffer from various forms of these nutritional difficulties.

This growing concern is a major obstacle to socio-economic development and contributes to a vicious circle of underdevelopment, to the disadvantage of already underprivileged societies. It has long-ranging effects on health, learning ability, and productivity.  As such, MND results in high social and public costs, reduced work capacity in populations due to high rates of illness and disability, and tragic loss of human potential. Eradicating Micronutrient malnutrition is a prerequisite for ensuring rapid and appropriate development and requires massive public information initiatives from government leaders.

Studies show that poverty, lack of access to a variety of foods, lack of knowledge of optimal dietary practices, and high incidence of infectious diseases are some of the factors which lead to Micronutrient malnutrition.


A few years from now, it would be harder if not nearly impossible to address these global concerns, and policies and programmes must now be developed to assure the availability of and access to an adequate variety and quantity of safe, good-quality foods for all people of the world to battle MND.


The VRT Brilliant Mineral Oil Corp. is the only company in the country today that distributes products that contain 16 high-grade minerals that help the body perform its functions.

Medical studies show that minerals and vitamins are essential to sustain life and for the optimal physiological function of every person. MNDs are preventable. And people should be made aware of that as well as the options available to them.


According to a health website, the body uses and requires more than 80 minerals for completely balanced health? Unfortunately, Most of the U.S. population is deficient in essential minerals.

“Minerals are the often forgotten essential elements for good health. People think of minerals in terms of strong teeth and bones, but minerals are far more important than that. Every living cell depends on minerals for proper function, structure, and electrical conductivity.”

Several options exist to combat MNDs, including supplementation, fortification, and food-based approaches like dietary diversification. The choice of intervention strategy or strategies should depend on the cause, severity, and scope of the MND.

According to VRT Brilliant general manager Mervin Tobias, their company for the past 10 years has been an avid advocate of minerals since his family, especially his father who was able to fully recover from an almost fatal heart attack due to supplementation of minerals.


“For more than a decade, my father who really took the time to look for what can help him during his difficult ordeal, has been a living proof of the wonders of minerals, and the products of VRT Brilliant are the supplements that aided his father to walk and have a normal life again,” Tobias added.

The flagship products of VRT Brilliant, which contains 16 high-grade minerals such as magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, cobalt, vanadium, calcium, chromium, boron, manganese, sodium, sulfur, zinc, molybdenum, phosphorus, and selenium are VRT Brilliant Mineral Oil and VRT Brilliant Mineral Drops.

The Brilliant Mineral Drops (BMD) is a food supplement rich with 16 minerals, essential to keep our body healthy and function properly. BMD helps prevent the body from various mineral deficiencies that could lead to illness.

Just add 5 drops to water, juice, beverages, or any food preparation. A daily dose of BMD supplies you with the top minerals your body requires to survive against diseases and ailments. These include Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, and Potassium. Naturally, these minerals are highly concentrated on specific foods but BMD is packed with these minerals as well.

“The Brilliant Minerals Drops is one of our best sellers because it helps improve eyesight.”

 Meanwhile, the Brilliant Mineral Oil is a mineralized essential oil that can help reduce or relieve headaches, body pains, sore muscles, arthritis, rheumatoid, and other aches and pains in the body, and at the same time supplies the body with minerals. It is also formulated with the different relaxing aromas of Green Tea, Cool Water, Powdery, Cucumber, Melon, and Lavender.

“Most users of our Brilliant Mineral Oil say that they feel and experience instant relief after application of the oil.”


“I think we are the only company in the country today, which carries products that have these powerful minerals. And the people should be made aware about the importance of minerals in the normal functioning of our body, thus, promote good health,” the young manager quipped.


“Nutrition is the most powerful adaptable environmental exposure to target in order to reduce the burden of diseases and death across the life span around the world. Micronutrient deficiencies (MNDs) have direct effects on individuals and indirect effects on societies. Globally, there have been substantial gains made to improve the nutritional status. However, there is still tremendous work to be done to reach all individuals with or at risk for MNDs.”

Now more than ever, the need to supply the body with minerals is imperative as we all live in an ailing environment. While food may not be readily available or accessible to everyone due to a thousand reasons, thankfully, there are other possible options.

For more information visit our FB Page: Brilliant Mineral Oil or email us at

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